The table contains all the branches information (Name, Address, Country, ID, ect).
When the user goes to the main form of this application, he/she sees a GridView with all the branches' tasks. When he/she clicks edit, a Drop Down List is bind to the Branches table where the group of the user is equal to the group assigned in the Branches Table.
For Example:
var GridBind =
from x in MainQueryjoin cb_s in db.CommentBase_Status on
x.CommentStatusID equals cb_s.StatusIDjoin b in db.Branches on
x.BranchID equals b.dimensionorderby x.EntryDate ascending
where x.CommentType == CommentType && x.CommentStatusID == CommentValue
select new
FormId = x.FormID,
branch_group = x.BranchGroupID,
BranchId = branches.BRANCHNAME,
CommentString = x.CommentString,
EntryDate = x.EntryDate
My application Data layer is implemented with LINQ, so I decided to add these values when the Drop Down List was being bound, for example:
Well, then to do Let Outer Join in the main query of my application I can do the following:
var GridBind =
from x in MainQuery
join cb_s in db.CommentBase_Status on x.CommentStatusID equals cb_s.StatusID
orderby x.EntryDate ascending
where x.CommentType == CommentType && x.CommentStatusID == CommentValue
from branches in db.Branches.Where(b => b.dimension == x.BranchID).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
FormId = x.FormID,
branch_group = x.BranchGroupID,
BranchId = (branches.BRANCHNAME == null)? "All" :branches.BRANCHNAME,
StatusName = cb_s.StatusName,
CommentString = x.CommentString,
EntryDate = x.EntryDate
GridObject.DataSource = GridBind;
ret = true;
catch (Exception ex)
ret = false;
List<Branches> branches = new List<Branches>();
var ddlBranchesList =
from br in db.Branches
where == true && br.BRANCHGROUP == id
orderby br.dimension descending
select br;
branches = ddlBranchesList.ToList<Branches>();
branches.Add(new Branches() { BRANCHNAME = "All", dimension = 1 });
branches.Add(new Branches() { BRANCHNAME = "Select One", dimension = 0 });
ddl.DataSource = branches;
ddl.DataTextField = "BRANCHNAME";
ddl.DataValueField = "dimension";
The format is a little weird. If you have any questions about the code contact me.