Showing posts with label FileIoPermission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FileIoPermission. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Workaround to Exception::CLRError using System.IO.StreamWriter

In one of my projects I was using the System.IO.StreamWriter to write data into a text file in X++. Everything went well until I started testing for exception in order to handle them (the System.IO is a .Net class that allows us to maniluplate file operations, including folders. So, I though in catching the exception with the Exception::CLRError one. )

The problem I was having was that when an exception was raised by a problem creating the file (Incorrect file name), the operation will not fall into the Exception::CRLError exception, Instead, it would just crash and I wasn't able to properly handle the exception.

The reason for this is that when using an AX class that runs on the server, the exception never comes back to the client and therefore cannot be handled correctly. I'm using the SalesFormLetter class main method to call my own class after an invoice is generated, and this class (SalesFormLetter) is (1) an abstract class and (2) runs on the server and I really did not want to do this.

A workaorund is to use the TextIO class in AX along with the FileIoPermission. For example, when using the TextIo to create (and/or overwrite) a file, we get a null value when the file could not be created (and/or overwritten). Then, we can throw an exception when the object is null.

In my case I have a central class that handles all errors, so when the TextIO object is null, I call this class and I throw an error, then the error comes back to my method and falls into the Exception::Error exception.

The following is the code