Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Setup Electronic Format Payment (EFT) in AX 2009

A few days ago I created a new post on how to create a new Electroni Payment Format (EFT) in X++. The post can be seen here:

In this post I will show how to setup the EFT based on the class I created before in AX 2009.

1 - Open Accounts Payable | Setup | Payment | Methods of Payments and create a new record as follows:

NOTE: I will be using a Payment Method called EFT Mexico for this example, but you can name this anything in the Interface method in the class you will create to customize an Electronic Payment.

In the link above look at the class named KUMVendOutPaym_SA and look for a method named PaymInterfaceName. You will see the following code:

public PaymInterfaceName interfaceName()
    return 'EFT Mexico';

2- Open the File Formats tab page, click on the Setup button and move EFT Mexico format from the right to the left:

3-  Then go back to the Method of Payments from and select EFT Mexico from the Drop Down List as Export Format:

4- Then open Accounts Payable | Journals | Payments | Payment Journal and create a new journal record:

5 - Then click on lines and create a new Payment Journal Line:

6 - When done creating the line and by looking at the picture above, click in Functions | Generate Payments. Choose EFT Mexico for the export format. Then Select the Dialog button and specify the location where your file will be saved after the execution.

7 - Click Ok and if everything went ok with your code, you should see an output similar to the one below (NOTE: The file is very long (Width) so I wasn't able to capture all the content, but you get the idea)

1 comment:

  1. Nice and concise post. It will be useful for technical resources who want to gain more functional understanding.

    Comment 1:
    In step (5) you mention selcting both Method of Payment, and a derived Payment Specification, however, in step (3) when you defined the Method of Payment you did not define a payment specification to that method.

    Defining a payment specification is actually not mandatory. It is used when the same export format has several variations (as with Telepay 2.01 (NO)); However, in your case, you can just keep the 'payment specifciation field on the payment journal empty.

    Comment 2:
    The screenshot you use in step (5) is actually not OOTB (out of the box) Dynamics AX, but looks like a form that was customized.
    In the OOTB form the first fields are Company and (Vendor) account.


Thank you for your thoughts. Your comment will appear in my blog shortly after review.

Have a great day!